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other: 完成chatGPT上下文关联

zhangyuantao 1 year ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public class WebMVCConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
+        registry.addViewController("/test").setViewName("test");

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 37 - 21

@@ -228,6 +228,11 @@
         $(function () {
+            //【增】:向 chatgpt 表插入一个 myprompt 字段,如果该表不存在,则自动建立。
+            layui.sessionData('chatgpt', {
+                key: 'myprompt'
+                , value: ''
+            });
             clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.js-clipboard');
             clipboard.on('success', function (e) {
@@ -318,7 +323,7 @@
             , initSort: {
                 field: 'elementType' //排序字段,对应 cols 设定的各字段名
-                ,type: 'desc' //排序方式  asc: 升序、desc: 降序、null: 默认排序
+                , type: 'desc' //排序方式  asc: 升序、desc: 降序、null: 默认排序
             , cols: [
@@ -377,22 +382,29 @@
             brief: true //是否简约模式(如果true则不显示主面板)
-            ,minRight: '350px'
+            , minRight: '350px'
             name: 'ChatGPT'
-            ,type: 'friend'
-            ,avatar: 'static/chatgpt.png'
-            ,id: -2
+            , type: 'friend'
+            , avatar: 'static/chatgpt.png'
+            , id: -2
-        layim.on('sendMessage', function(res){
+        layim.on('sendMessage', function (res) {
+            let localChatGPT = layui.sessionData('chatgpt');
+            layui.sessionData('chatgpt', {
+                key: 'myprompt'
+                , value: localChatGPT.myprompt + " Q1:" + res.mine.content
+            });
             let data = {
-                "prompt": res.mine.content,
+                "prompt": layui.sessionData('chatgpt').myprompt,
                 "max_tokens": 2048,
                 "model": "text-davinci-003"
+            let To =
                 type: 'post',
                 url: '',
@@ -403,24 +415,28 @@
                 dataType: 'json',
                 data: JSON.stringify(data),
                 success: function (res) {
-                    layim.getMessage({
-                        username: "ChatGPT" //消息来源用户名
-                        ,avatar: "" //消息来源用户头像
-                        ,id: "-2" //消息的来源ID(如果是私聊,则是用户id,如果是群聊,则是群组id)
-                        ,type: "friend" //聊天窗口来源类型,从发送消息传递的to里面获取
-                        ,content: "嗨,你好!本消息系离线消息。" //消息内容
-                        // ,mine: false //是否我发送的消息,如果为true,则会显示在右方
+                    console.log(res.choices[0].text);
+                    layui.sessionData('chatgpt', {
+                        key: 'myprompt'
+                        , value: layui.sessionData('chatgpt').myprompt + " A1:" + res.choices[0].text
-                    /*//如果是来自于系统的聊天面板的消息
-                        system: true //系统消息
-                        ,id: -2 //聊天窗口ID
-                        ,type: "friend" //聊天窗口类型
-                        ,content: '对方已掉线'
-                    });*/
+                        username: //消息来源用户名
+                        , avatar: To.avatar //消息来源用户头像
+                        , id: //消息的来源ID(如果是私聊,则是用户id,如果是群聊,则是群组id)
+                        , type: To.type //聊天窗口来源类型,从发送消息传递的to里面获取
+                        , content: "我<br>是<br>谁" //消息内容
+                        , mine: false //是否我发送的消息,如果为true,则会显示在右方
+                    });
                 error: function (errMsg) {
-                    console.log(errMsg);
+                    //如果是来自于系统的聊天面板的消息
+                    layim.getMessage({
+                        system: true //系统消息
+                        , id: -2 //聊天窗口ID
+                        , type: "friend" //聊天窗口类型
+                        , content: '对方已掉线'
+                    });

+ 448 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <meta charset="utf-8">
+  <title>Layui</title>
+  <meta name="renderer" content="webkit">
+  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
+  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./layui/css/layui.css" media="all">
+  <!-- 注意:如果你直接复制所有代码到本地,上述css路径需要改成你本地的 -->
+<blockquote class="layui-elem-quote">
+  LayIM 是基于 layui 的一款用于开发网页端聊天系统的纯静态 UI 界面解决方案,其包含的只是一套前端源代码素材和相关的模拟示例,没有后端程序及数据库存储等服务。
+<fieldset class="layui-elem-field layui-field-title" style="margin-top: 50px;">
+  <legend>面板外的操作示例</legend>
+<div class="site-demo-button">
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="chat">自定义会话</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="message">接受好友的消息</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="messageAudio">接受音频消息</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="messageVideo">接受视频消息</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="messageTemp">接受临时会话消息</button>
+  <br>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="add">申请好友</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="addqun">申请加群</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="addFriend">同意好友</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="addGroup">增加群组到主面板</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="removeFriend">删除主面板好友</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="removeGroup">删除主面板群组</button>
+  <br>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="setGray">置灰离线好友</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" data-type="unGray">取消好友置灰</button>
+  <button class="layui-btn site-demo-layim" style="background-color: #3FDD86" data-type="mobile">WAP
+    版演示</button>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="./layui/layui.js"></script>
+<!-- 注意:如果你直接复制所有代码到本地,上述 JS 路径需要改成你本地的 -->
+  layui.config({
+    base: '/layui/modules/',
+    layimAssetsPath: '/layui/modules/layim/dist/layim-assets/' //layim 资源文件所在目录
+  }).extend({
+    layim: 'layim/dist/layim' //配置 layim 组件所在的路径
+  }).use('layim', function(layim) { //加载组件
+    var layim = layui.layim;
+    //演示自动回复
+    var autoReplay = [
+      '您好,我现在有事不在,一会再和您联系。',
+      '你没发错吧?face[微笑] ',
+      '这是一段演示消息 face[哈哈] ',
+      '演示消息 face[心] face[心] face[心] ',
+      'face[威武] face[威武] face[威武] face[威武] ',
+      '<(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>',
+      '你要和我说话?你真的要和我说话?你确定自己想说吗?你一定非说不可吗?那你说吧,这是自动回复。',
+      'face[黑线]  你慢慢说,别急……',
+      '(*^__^*) face[嘻嘻]'
+    ];
+    //基础配置
+    layim.config({
+      //初始化接口
+      init: {
+        url: '',
+        data: {}
+      }
+      //查看群员接口
+      ,
+      members: {
+        url: '',
+        data: {}
+      }
+      ,
+      uploadImage: {
+        url: '' //(返回的数据格式见下文)
+        ,
+        type: '' //默认post
+      },
+      uploadFile: {
+        url: '' //(返回的数据格式见下文)
+        ,
+        type: '' //默认post
+      }
+      ,
+      isAudio: true //开启聊天工具栏音频
+      ,
+      isVideo: true //开启聊天工具栏视频
+      //扩展工具栏
+      ,
+      tool: [{
+        alias: 'code',
+        title: '代码',
+        icon: '&#xe64e;'
+      }]
+      //,brief: true //是否简约模式(若开启则不显示主面板)
+      //,title: 'WebIM' //自定义主面板最小化时的标题
+      //,right: '100px' //主面板相对浏览器右侧距离
+      //,minRight: '90px' //聊天面板最小化时相对浏览器右侧距离
+      ,
+      initSkin: '3.jpg' //1-5 设置初始背景
+      //,skin: ['aaa.jpg'] //新增皮肤
+      //,isfriend: false //是否开启好友
+      //,isgroup: false //是否开启群组
+      //,min: true //是否始终最小化主面板,默认false
+      //,notice: true //是否开启桌面消息提醒,默认false
+      //,voice: false //声音提醒,默认开启,声音文件为:default.mp3
+      ,
+      msgbox: layui.cache.layimAssetsPath + 'html/msgbox.html' //消息盒子页面地址,若不开启,剔除该项即可
+      ,
+      find: layui.cache.layimAssetsPath + 'html/find.html' //发现页面地址,若不开启,剔除该项即可
+      ,
+      chatLog: layui.cache.layimAssetsPath + 'html/chatlog.html' //聊天记录页面地址,若不开启,剔除该项即可
+    });
+    //监听在线状态的切换事件
+    layim.on('online', function(status) {
+      layer.msg(status);
+    });
+    //监听签名修改
+    layim.on('sign', function(value) {
+      layer.msg(value);
+    });
+    //监听自定义工具栏点击,以添加代码为例
+    layim.on('tool(code)', function(insert) {
+      layer.prompt({
+        title: '插入代码 - 工具栏扩展示例',
+        formType: 2,
+        shade: 0
+      }, function(text, index) {
+        layer.close(index);
+        insert('[pre class=layui-code]' + text + '[/pre]'); //将内容插入到编辑器
+      });
+    });
+    //监听layim建立就绪
+    layim.on('ready', function(res) {
+      //console.log(res.mine);
+      layim.msgbox(5); //模拟消息盒子有新消息,实际使用时,一般是动态获得
+    });
+    //监听发送消息
+    layim.on('sendMessage', function(data) {
+      var To =;
+      //console.log(data);
+      if (To.type === 'friend') {
+        layim.setChatStatus('<span style="color:#FF5722;">对方正在输入。。。</span>');
+      }
+      //演示自动回复
+      setTimeout(function() {
+        var obj = {};
+        if (To.type === 'group') {
+          obj = {
+            username: '模拟群员' + (Math.random() * 100 | 0),
+            avatar: layui.cache.layimAssetsPath + 'images/face/' + (Math.random() * 72 | 0) + '.gif',
+            id:,
+            type: To.type,
+            content: autoReplay[Math.random() * 9 | 0]
+          }
+        } else {
+          obj = {
+            username:,
+            avatar: To.avatar,
+            id:,
+            type: To.type,
+            content: autoReplay[Math.random() * 9 | 0]
+          }
+          layim.setChatStatus('<span style="color:#FF5722;">在线</span>');
+        }
+        layim.getMessage(obj);
+      }, 1000);
+    });
+    //监听查看群员
+    layim.on('members', function(data) {
+      //console.log(data);
+    });
+    //监听聊天窗口的切换
+    layim.on('chatChange', function(res) {
+      var type =;
+      console.log(
+      if (type === 'friend') {
+        //模拟标注好友状态
+        //layim.setChatStatus('<span style="color:#FF5722;">在线</span>');
+      } else if (type === 'group') {
+        //模拟系统消息
+        layim.getMessage({
+          system: true,
+          id:,
+          type: "group",
+          content: '模拟群员' + (Math.random() * 100 | 0) + '加入群聊'
+        });
+      }
+    });
+    //面板外的操作
+    var $ = layui.jquery,
+            active = {
+              chat: function() {
+                //自定义会话
+      {
+                  name: '小测试',
+                  type: 'friend',
+                  avatar: '/other/crop.',
+                  id: 1008612
+                });
+                layer.msg('也就是说,此人可以不在好友面板里');
+              },
+              message: function() {
+                //制造好友消息
+                layim.getMessage({
+                  username: "测试1",
+                  avatar: "/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png",
+                  id: "100001",
+                  type: "friend",
+                  content: "嗨,你好!这是一条测试内容。演示标记:" + new Date().getTime(),
+                  timestamp: new Date().getTime()
+                });
+              },
+              messageAudio: function() {
+                //接受音频消息
+                layim.getMessage({
+                  username: "测试1",
+                  avatar: "/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png",
+                  id: "100001",
+                  type: "friend",
+                  content: "audio[]",
+                  timestamp: new Date().getTime()
+                });
+              },
+              messageVideo: function() {
+                //接受视频消息
+                layim.getMessage({
+                  username: "测试1",
+                  avatar: "/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png",
+                  id: "100001",
+                  type: "friend",
+                  content: "video[]",
+                  timestamp: new Date().getTime()
+                });
+              },
+              messageTemp: function() {
+                //接受临时会话消息
+                layim.getMessage({
+                  username: "测试X",
+                  avatar: "/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png",
+                  id: "198909151014",
+                  type: "friend",
+                  content: "临时:" + new Date().getTime()
+                });
+              },
+              add: function() {
+                //实际使用时数据由动态获得
+                layim.add({
+                  type: 'friend',
+                  username: '测试Y',
+                  avatar: '/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png',
+                  submit: function(group, remark, index) {
+                    layer.msg('好友申请已发送,请等待对方确认', {
+                      icon: 1,
+                      shade: 0.5
+                    }, function() {
+                      layer.close(index);
+                    });
+                    //通知对方
+                    /*
+                    $.post('/im-applyFriend/', {
+                      uid: info.uid
+                      ,from_group: group
+                      ,remark: remark
+                    }, function(res){
+                      if(res.status != 0){
+                        return layer.msg(res.msg);
+                      }
+                      layer.msg('好友申请已发送,请等待对方确认', {
+                        icon: 1
+                        ,shade: 0.5
+                      }, function(){
+                        layer.close(index);
+                      });
+                    });
+                    */
+                  }
+                });
+              },
+              addqun: function() {
+                layim.add({
+                  type: 'group',
+                  username: '测试群组1',
+                  avatar: '/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png',
+                  submit: function(group, remark, index) {
+                    layer.msg('申请已发送,请等待管理员确认', {
+                      icon: 1,
+                      shade: 0.5
+                    }, function() {
+                      layer.close(index);
+                    });
+                    //通知对方
+                    /*
+                    $.post('/im-applyGroup/', {
+                      uid: info.uid
+                      ,from_group: group
+                      ,remark: remark
+                    }, function(res){
+                    });
+                    */
+                  }
+                });
+              },
+              addFriend: function() {
+                var user = {
+                  type: 'friend',
+                  id: 1234560,
+                  username: '测试A' //好友昵称,若申请加群,参数为:groupname
+                  ,
+                  avatar: '/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png' //头像
+                  ,
+                  sign: '测试内容'
+                }
+                layim.setFriendGroup({
+                  type: user.type,
+                  username: user.username,
+                  avatar: user.avatar,
+                  group: layim.cache().friend //获取好友列表数据
+                  ,
+                  submit: function(group, index) {
+                    //一般在此执行Ajax和WS,以通知对方已经同意申请
+                    //……
+                    //同意后,将好友追加到主面板
+                    layim.addList({
+                      type: user.type,
+                      username: user.username,
+                      avatar: user.avatar,
+                      groupid: group //所在的分组id
+                      ,
+                      id: //好友ID
+                      ,
+                      sign: user.sign //好友签名
+                    });
+                    layer.close(index);
+                  }
+                });
+              },
+              addGroup: function() {
+                layer.msg('已成功把[测试群组33]添加到群组里', {
+                  icon: 1
+                });
+                //增加一个群组
+                layim.addList({
+                  type: 'group',
+                  avatar: "/static/images/fly/avatar/default.png",
+                  groupname: '测试群组33',
+                  id: "12333333",
+                  members: 0
+                });
+              },
+              removeFriend: function() {
+                layer.msg('已成功删除[测试2]', {
+                  icon: 1
+                });
+                //删除一个好友
+                layim.removeList({
+                  id: 100001222,
+                  type: 'friend'
+                });
+              },
+              removeGroup: function() {
+                layer.msg('已成功删除[测试群组33]', {
+                  icon: 1
+                });
+                //删除一个群组
+                layim.removeList({
+                  id: 12333333,
+                  type: 'group'
+                });
+              }
+              //置灰离线好友
+              ,
+              setGray: function() {
+                layim.setFriendStatus(168168, 'offline');
+                layer.msg('已成功将好友[测试4]置灰', {
+                  icon: 1
+                });
+              }
+              //取消好友置灰
+              ,
+              unGray: function() {
+                layim.setFriendStatus(168168, 'online');
+                layer.msg('成功取消好友[测试4]置灰状态', {
+                  icon: 1
+                });
+              }
+              //移动端版本
+              ,
+              mobile: function() {
+                var device = layui.device();
+                var mobileHome = '';
+                if ( || device.ios) {
+                  return location.href = mobileHome;
+                }
+                var index ={
+                  type: 2,
+                  title: '移动版演示 (或手机扫右侧二维码预览)',
+                  content: mobileHome,
+                  area: ['375px', '667px'],
+                  shadeClose: true,
+                  scrollbar: false,
+                  shade: 0.8,
+                  end: function() {
+                    layer.close(index + 2);
+                  }
+                });
+              }
+            };
+    $('.site-demo-layim').on('click', function() {
+      var type = $(this).data('type');
+      active[type] ? active[type].call(this) : '';
+    });
+  });

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff